I've put together a few resources that might be useful— Library Display Posters, Reading Group Notes, Writing Tips etc.
Please email (via the CONTACT page) if you have any problems with the files, or have a request for additional material.

These Library Display Posters can be downloaded as individual image files (jpeg) or in sets of three by book (zip). Please click the links below. NOTE: The posters are all A4 to keep download sizes low, but can be scaled to A3 if you wish to print larger. (I'm hoping to get some Charlie Merrick posters made and uploaded soon. Watch this space!).

When visiting schools I'm always impressed by the number of students who are working on their own stories. I'm often asked for writing tips, so I collected 15 of my favourites into a handy slideshow. It's FREE to download in a variety of formats below. I hope you find them useful.